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  • Quick start
  • Install MIT
  • Install PRO
  • Updating
  • Optimization
  • Update v4-v6
  • Backups
  • Console utility bin/totum
  • Basics for users
  • Interface and Layout
  • Tables and their parameters
  • Prefilter
  • Fields and their parameters
  • Syntax
  • Code, actions, formatting
  • Relational relationships
  • Calculation order and calculation units
  • Auto-complete calculations and timing
  • Duplicate rows and cycles
  • Comparisons
  • Rules of comparison
  • Simple Comparisons
  • List Comparisons
  • Includes
  • Array Comparisons
  • Comparing array lists
  • Simple comparisons
  • Two empty strings
  • Empty string and 0
  • Zero and null
  • Empty string and null
  • Numbers as numbers
  • Two identical numbers
  • Same number and number as a string
  • Number as a string and another number
  • Strings consisting only of digits and a dot
  • String of digits-letters with number as string
  • Boolean and Boolean
  • Boolean and string true
  • Boolean and number 1 as a string
  • Lists
  • Empty list and empty list
  • Empty list and empty string
  • List without null and null
  • List with null and null
  • List with null and 0
  • List with 0 and empty string
  • List with 0 and null
  • List with false and empty string
  • List with false and null
  • List with false and 0
  • Two identical lists
  • Two lists with identical elements
  • List of numbers and a number as a string
  • Intersecting Lists
  • List and Boolean and Boolean
  • Two lists differing by 0 and null
  • Two lists differing by an empty string and null
  • Associated arrays
  • Array with null and empty list
  • Functions
  • Debugging
  • Print and CSV
  • API
  • Roles and users
  • Notifications
  • Scheduled Actions
  • System tables
  • Trees
  • Anonymous tables
  • External Forms
  • Exporting and importing tables
  • [PRO] MeiliSearch
  • [PRO] Databases
  • [PRO] Custom CSS
  • [PRO] Custom docs
  • [PRO] File versions
  • [PRO] List-unsubscribe
  • [PRO] Dynamic fields
  • [PRO] Only Office
  • [PRO] Auth Tokens
  • [PRO] 2FA
  • [PRO] Superlang
  • [PRO] Daemons
  • [PRO] Profiler
  • Connecting functions
  • [SRV] Installation and Connection
  • [SRV] Export, PDF, Upload, and Preview
  • [SRV] XLSX/DOCX Generators
  • Comparison Table

    Rules of comparison

    Simple Comparisons

    Numbers are compared as numbers. Strings are compared as strings.

    When comparing numbers, 12 > 2.

    When comparing strings, 12 <2`.

    A string with a number is compared as follows:

    • If the string consists of a number (decimal separator . without spaces), then as numbers.

    • In all other cases, as strings.

    Boolean true/false are treated as strings.

    An empty string is equal to the absence of a value null.

    The number 0 is not equal to an empty string and is not equal to an empty value null.

    List Comparisons

    According to the = condition, lists are compared by intersection.

    Comparison of a single value and a list is done by checking if the value is in the list.

    If you want to compare a list fully with consideration of the order of elements, use ==.

    Lists are not compared using the > and < conditions.

    Lists within a list are compared as == (completely equal).

    Empty string is equal to = empty list $#lc and a list with an empty string [1,"",2,3].

    Empty string is not completely equal == to an empty list $#lc.


    If you want to get true/false on whether a list includes certain values, this is done through full comparison with listCross:

    example: if(condition: $list_1 == $list_cross; then: true; else: false)
    list_cross: listCross(list: $list_1; list: $list_2)
    list_1: listCreate(item: "1"; item: "3")
    list_2: listCreate(item: "1"; item: "2"; item: "3"; item: "4")

    Array Comparisons

    Associated arrays are compared by the intersection of key values.

    If you need to compare all values of all keys regardless of order, use ==.

    Arrays compared with individual values always result in false.

    Arrays are not compared using > and <.

    Lists within key values are compared as == — that is, by full correspondence considering order.

    An empty array and an empty list are identical $#lc.

    An array with ordered numeric keys from 0 with a step of 1 is a list!

    Comparing array lists

    Array lists are compared as lists by intersection.

    The order of keys in arrays does not matter, but the number and keys in arrays must match.

    Simple comparisons

    Two empty strings

    example1_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: ""
    right_eq: ""
    // Result: true
    example1_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: ""
    right_noteq: ""
    // Result: false
    example1_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: ""
    right_eq2: ""
    // Result: true
    example1_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: ""
    right_noteq2: ""
    // Result: false
    example1_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: ""
    right_gt: ""
    // Result: false
    example1_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: ""
    right_gte: ""
    // Result: true
    example1_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: ""
    right_lg: ""
    // Result: false
    example1_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: ""
    right_lge: ""
    // Result: true

    Empty string and 0

    example4_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: ""
    right_eq: 0
    // Result: false
    example4_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: ""
    right_noteq: 0
    // Result: true
    example4_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: ""
    right_eq2: 0
    // Result: false
    example4_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: ""
    right_noteq2: 0
    // Result: true
    example4_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: ""
    right_gt: 0
    // Result: false
    example4_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: ""
    right_gte: 0
    // Result: false
    example4_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: ""
    right_lg: 0
    // Result: true
    example4_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: ""
    right_lge: 0
    // Result: true

    Zero and null

    example6_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: 0
    right_eq: $null_eq
    null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example6_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: 0
    right_noteq: $null_noteq
    null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example6_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: 0
    right_eq2: $null_eq2
    null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example6_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: 0
    right_noteq2: $null_noteq2
    null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example6_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: 0
    right_gt: $null_gt
    null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example6_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: 0
    right_gte: $null_gte
    null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example6_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: 0
    right_lg: $null_lg
    null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example6_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: 0
    right_lge: $null_lge
    null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false

    Empty string and null

    example5_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: ""
    right_eq: $null_eq
    null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example5_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: ""
    right_noteq: $null_noteq
    null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example5_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: ""
    right_eq2: $null_eq2
    null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example5_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: ""
    right_noteq2: $null_noteq2
    null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example5_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: ""
    right_gt: $null_gt
    null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example5_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: ""
    right_gte: $null_gte
    null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example5_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: ""
    right_lg: $null_lg
    null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example5_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: ""
    right_lge: $null_lge
    null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true

    Numbers as numbers

    example51_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: 1
    right_eq: 3
    // Result: false
    example51_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: 1
    right_noteq: 3
    // Result: true
    example51_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: 1
    right_eq2: 3
    // Result: false
    example51_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: 1
    right_noteq2: 3
    // Result: true
    example51_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: 1
    right_gt: 3
    // Result: false
    example51_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: 1
    right_gte: 3
    // Result: false
    example51_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: 1
    right_lg: 3
    // Result: true
    example51_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: 1
    right_lge: 3
    // Result: true

    Two identical numbers

    Two identical strings similarly.

    example2_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: 0
    right_eq: 0
    // Result: true
    example2_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: 0
    right_noteq: 0
    // Result: false
    example2_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: 0
    right_eq2: 0
    // Result: true
    example2_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: 0
    right_noteq2: 0
    // Result: false
    example2_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: 0
    right_gt: 0
    // Result: false
    example2_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: 0
    right_gte: 0
    // Result: true
    example2_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: 0
    right_lg: 0
    // Result: false
    example2_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: 0
    right_lge: 0
    // Result: true

    Same number and number as a string

    example3_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: 0
    right_eq: "0"
    // Result: true
    example3_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: 0
    right_noteq: "0"
    // Result: false
    example3_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: 0
    right_eq2: "0"
    // Result: true
    example3_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: 0
    right_noteq2: "0"
    // Result: false
    example3_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: 0
    right_gt: "0"
    // Result: false
    example3_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: 0
    right_gte: "0"
    // Result: true
    example3_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: 0
    right_lg: "0"
    // Result: false
    example3_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: 0
    right_lge: "0"
    // Result: true

    Number as a string and another number

    example7_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: "0"
    right_eq: 121212
    // Result: false
    example7_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: "0"
    right_noteq: 121212
    // Result: true
    example7_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: "0"
    right_eq2: 121212
    // Result: false
    example7_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: "0"
    right_noteq2: 121212
    // Result: true
    example7_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: "0"
    right_gt: 121212
    // Result: false
    example7_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: "0"
    right_gte: 121212
    // Result: false
    example7_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: "0"
    right_lg: 121212
    // Result: true
    example7_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: "0"
    right_lge: 121212
    // Result: true

    Strings consisting only of digits and a dot

    example52_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: "100"
    right_eq: "3.8"
    // Result: false
    example52_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: "100"
    right_noteq: "3.8"
    // Result: true
    example52_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: "100"
    right_eq2: "3.8"
    // Result: false
    example52_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: "100"
    right_noteq2: "3.8"
    // Result: true
    example52_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: "100"
    right_gt: "3.8"
    // Result: true
    example52_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: "100"
    right_gte: "3.8"
    // Result: true
    example52_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: "100"
    right_lg: "3.8"
    // Result: false
    example52_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: "100"
    right_lge: "3.8"
    // Result: false

    String of digits-letters with number as string

    Comparison with a number is similar.

    example53_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: "100f"
    right_eq: "3.8"
    // Result: false
    example53_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: "100f"
    right_noteq: "3.8"
    // Result: true
    example53_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: "100f"
    right_eq2: "3.8"
    // Result: false
    example53_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: "100f"
    right_noteq2: "3.8"
    // Result: true
    example53_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: "100f"
    right_gt: "3.8"
    // Result: false
    example53_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: "100f"
    right_gte: "3.8"
    // Result: false
    example53_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: "100f"
    right_lg: "3.8"
    // Result: true
    example53_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: "100f"
    right_lge: "3.8"
    // Result: true

    Boolean and Boolean

    For false similarly!

    example17_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: true
    right_eq: true
    // Result: true
    example17_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: true
    right_noteq: true
    // Result: false
    example17_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: true
    right_eq2: true
    // Result: true
    example17_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: true
    right_noteq2: true
    // Result: false
    example17_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: true
    right_gt: true
    // Result: false
    example17_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: true
    right_gte: true
    // Result: true
    example17_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: true
    right_lg: true
    // Result: false
    example17_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: true
    right_lge: true
    // Result: true

    Boolean and string true

    For false similarly!

    example18_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: true
    right_eq: "true"
    // Result: true
    example18_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: true
    right_noteq: "true"
    // Result: false
    example18_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: true
    right_eq2: "true"
    // Result: true
    example18_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: true
    right_noteq2: "true"
    // Result: false
    example18_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: true
    right_gt: "true"
    // Result: false
    example18_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: true
    right_gte: "true"
    // Result: true
    example18_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: true
    right_lg: "true"
    // Result: false
    example18_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: true
    right_lge: "true"
    // Result: true

    Boolean and number 1 as a string

    For false, comparison with the string 0 is similar!

    example19_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: true
    right_eq: "1"
    // Result: false
    example19_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: true
    right_noteq: "1"
    // Result: true
    example19_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: true
    right_eq2: "1"
    // Result: false
    example19_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: true
    right_noteq2: "1"
    // Result: true
    example19_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: true
    right_gt: "1"
    // Result: true
    example19_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: true
    right_gte: "1"
    // Result: true
    example19_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: true
    right_lg: "1"
    // Result: false
    example19_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: true
    right_lge: "1"
    // Result: false


    Empty list and empty list

    example50_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: $#lc
    right_eq: $#lc
    // Result: true
    example50_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: $#lc
    right_noteq: $#lc
    // Result: false
    example50_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: $#lc
    right_eq2: $#lc
    // Result: true
    example50_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: $#lc
    right_noteq2: $#lc
    // Result: false
    example50_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: $#lc
    right_gt: $#lc
    // Result: —
    example50_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: $#lc
    right_gte: $#lc
    // Result: —
    example50_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: $#lc
    right_lg: $#lc
    // Result: —
    example50_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: $#lc
    right_lge: $#lc
    // Result: —

    Empty list and empty string

    example42_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: $#lc
    right_eq: ""
    // Result: true
    example42_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: $#lc
    right_noteq: ""
    // Result: false
    example42_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: $#lc
    right_eq2: ""
    // Result: false
    example42_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: $#lc
    right_noteq2: ""
    // Result: true
    example42_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: $#lc
    right_gt: ""
    // Result: —
    example42_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: $#lc
    right_gte: ""
    // Result: —
    example42_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: $#lc
    right_lg: ""
    // Result: —
    example42_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: $#lc
    right_lge: ""
    // Result: —

    List without null and null

    example61_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: $null_eq
    null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example61_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: $null_noteq
    null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example61_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: $null_eq2
    null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example61_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: $null_noteq2
    null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example61_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: $null_gt
    null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example61_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: $null_gte
    null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example61_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: $null_lg
    null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example61_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: $null_lge
    null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —

    List with null and null

    example16_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: $null_eq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: $null_eq
    null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example16_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: $null; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: $null_noteq_0
    null_noteq_0: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example16_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: $null; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: $null_noteq_1
    null_noteq_1: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example16_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: $null_noteq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: $null_noteq_2
    null_noteq_2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example16_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: $null_gt; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: $null_gt
    null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example16_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: $null_gte; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: $null_gte
    null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example16_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: $null_lg; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: $null_lg
    null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example16_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: $null_lge; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: $null_lge
    null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —

    List with null and 0

    example39_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: $null_eq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: 0
    null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example39_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: $null_noteq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: 0
    null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example39_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: $null_eq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: 0
    null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example39_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: $null_noteq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: 0
    null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example39_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: $null_gt; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: 0
    null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example39_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: $null_gte; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: 0
    null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example39_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: $null_lg; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: 0
    null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example39_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: $null_lge; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: 0
    null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —

    List with 0 and empty string

    example10_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: ""
    // Result: false
    example10_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: ""
    // Result: true
    example10_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: ""
    // Result: false
    example10_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: ""
    // Result: true
    example10_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: ""
    // Result: —
    example10_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: ""
    // Result: —
    example10_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: ""
    // Result: —
    example10_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: ""
    // Result: —

    List with 0 and null

    example40_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: $null_eq
    null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example40_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: $null_noteq
    null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example40_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: $null_eq2
    null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example40_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: $null_noteq2
    null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example40_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: $null_gt
    null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example40_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: $null_gte
    null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example40_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: $null_lg
    null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example40_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: $null_lge
    null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —

    List with false and empty string

    example26_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
    right_eq: ""
    // Result: false
    example26_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
    right_noteq: ""
    // Result: true
    example26_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
    right_eq2: ""
    // Result: false
    example26_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
    right_noteq2: ""
    // Result: true
    example26_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
    right_gt: ""
    // Result: —
    example26_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
    right_gte: ""
    // Result: —
    example26_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
    right_lg: ""
    // Result: —
    example26_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
    right_lge: ""
    // Result: —

    List with false and null

    example41_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: $null_eq
    null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example41_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: $null_noteq
    null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example41_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: $null_eq2
    null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example41_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: $null_noteq2
    null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example41_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: $null_gt
    null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example41_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: $null_gte
    null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example41_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: $null_lg
    null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example41_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: $null_lge
    null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —

    List with false and 0

    example38_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: 0
    // Result: false
    example38_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: 0
    // Result: true
    example38_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: 0
    // Result: false
    example38_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: 0
    // Result: true
    example_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: 0
    // Result: —
    example38_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: 0
    // Result: —
    example38_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: 0
    // Result: —
    example38_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: 0
    // Result: —

    Two identical lists

    example28_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    // Result: true
    example28_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    // Result: false
    example28_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    // Result: true
    example28_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    // Result: false
    example28_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    // Result: —
    example28_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    // Result: —
    example28_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    // Result: —
    example28_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    // Result: —

    Two lists with identical elements

    example43_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
    // Result: true
    example43_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
    // Result: false
    example43_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
    // Result: false
    example43_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
    // Result: true
    example43_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
    // Result: —
    example43_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
    // Result: —
    example43_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
    // Result: —
    example43_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
    // Result: —

    List of numbers and a number as a string

    example15_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: "0"
    // Result: true
    example15_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: "0"
    // Result: false
    example15_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: "0"
    // Result: false
    example15_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: "0"
    // Result: true
    example15_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: "0"
    // Result: —
    example15_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: "0"
    // Result: —
    example15_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: "0"
    // Result: —
    example15_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: "0"
    // Result: —

    Intersecting Lists

    example12_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: listCreate(item: 1)
    // Result: true
    example12_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: listCreate(item: 1)
    // Result: false
    example12_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: listCreate(item: 1)
    // Result: false
    example12_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: listCreate(item: 1)
    // Result: true
    example12_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: listCreate(item: 1)
    // Result: —
    example12_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: listCreate(item: 1)
    // Result: —
    example12_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: listCreate(item: 1)
    // Result: —
    example12_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: listCreate(item: 1)
    // Result: —

    List and Boolean and Boolean

    example22_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
    right_eq: true
    // Result: true
    example22_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
    right_noteq: true
    // Result: false
    example22_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
    right_eq2: true
    // Result: false
    example22_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
    right_noteq2: true
    // Result: true
    example22_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
    right_gt: true
    // Result: —
    example22_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
    right_gte: true
    // Result: —
    example22_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
    right_lg: true
    // Result: —
    example22_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
    right_lge: true
    // Result: —

    Two lists differing by 0 and null

    example47_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: listCreate(item: $null_eq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example47_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: listCreate(item: $null_noteq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example47_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: listCreate(item: $null_eq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example47_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: listCreate(item: $null_noteq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example47_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: listCreate(item: $null_gt; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example47_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: listCreate(item: $null_gte; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example47_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: listCreate(item: $null_lg; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example47_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: listCreate(item: $null_lge; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —

    Two lists differing by an empty string and null

    example48_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq: listCreate(item: $null_eq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example48_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq: listCreate(item: $null_noteq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example48_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_eq2: listCreate(item: $null_eq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example48_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_noteq2: listCreate(item: $null_noteq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example48_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gt: listCreate(item: $null_gt; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example48_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_gte: listCreate(item: $null_gte; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example48_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lg: listCreate(item: $null_lg; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example48_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    right_lge: listCreate(item: $null_lge; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
    null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —

    Associated arrays

    Array with null and empty list

    example54_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_eq)
    right_eq: $#lc
    null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example54_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_noteq)
    right_noteq: $#lc
    null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example54_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_eq2: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_eq2)
    right_eq2: $#lc
    null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: false
    example54_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
    left_noteq2: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_noteq2)
    right_noteq2: $#lc
    null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: true
    example54_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
    left_gt: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_gt)
    right_gt: $#lc
    null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example54_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
    left_gte: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_gte)
    right_gte: $#lc
    null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example54_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
    left_lg: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_lg)
    right_lg: $#lc
    null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —
    example54_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
    left_lge: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $nul_lge)
    right_lge: $#lc
    null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
    // Result: —