Numbers are compared as numbers. Strings are compared as strings.
When comparing numbers, 12
When comparing strings, 12
A string with a number is compared as follows:
If the string consists of a number (decimal separator .
without spaces), then as numbers.
In all other cases, as strings.
Boolean true/false
are treated as strings.
An empty string is equal to the absence of a value null.
The number 0
is not equal to an empty string and is not equal to an empty value null.
According to the =
condition, lists are compared by intersection.
Comparison of a single value and a list is done by checking if the value is in the list.
If you want to compare a list fully with consideration of the order of elements, use ==
Lists are not compared using the >
and <
Lists within a list are compared as ==
(completely equal).
Empty string is equal to =
empty list $#lc
and a list with an empty string [1,"",2,3]
Empty string is not completely equal ==
to an empty list $#lc
If you want to get true/false
on whether a list includes certain values, this is done through full comparison with listCross:
example: if(condition: $list_1 == $list_cross; then: true; else: false)
list_cross: listCross(list: $list_1; list: $list_2)
list_1: listCreate(item: "1"; item: "3")
list_2: listCreate(item: "1"; item: "2"; item: "3"; item: "4")
Associated arrays are compared by the intersection of key values.
If you need to compare all values of all keys regardless of order, use ==
Arrays compared with individual values always result in false
Arrays are not compared using >
and <
Lists within key values are compared as ==
— that is, by full correspondence considering order.
An empty array and an empty list are identical $#lc
An array with ordered numeric keys from 0 with a step of 1 is a list!
Array lists are compared as lists by intersection.
The order of keys in arrays does not matter, but the number and keys in arrays must match.
example1_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: ""
right_eq: ""
// Result: true
example1_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: ""
right_noteq: ""
// Result: false
example1_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: ""
right_eq2: ""
// Result: true
example1_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: ""
right_noteq2: ""
// Result: false
example1_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: ""
right_gt: ""
// Result: false
example1_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: ""
right_gte: ""
// Result: true
example1_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: ""
right_lg: ""
// Result: false
example1_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: ""
right_lge: ""
// Result: true
example4_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: ""
right_eq: 0
// Result: false
example4_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: ""
right_noteq: 0
// Result: true
example4_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: ""
right_eq2: 0
// Result: false
example4_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: ""
right_noteq2: 0
// Result: true
example4_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: ""
right_gt: 0
// Result: false
example4_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: ""
right_gte: 0
// Result: false
example4_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: ""
right_lg: 0
// Result: true
example4_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: ""
right_lge: 0
// Result: true
example6_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: 0
right_eq: $null_eq
null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example6_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: 0
right_noteq: $null_noteq
null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example6_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: 0
right_eq2: $null_eq2
null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example6_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: 0
right_noteq2: $null_noteq2
null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example6_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: 0
right_gt: $null_gt
null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example6_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: 0
right_gte: $null_gte
null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example6_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: 0
right_lg: $null_lg
null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example6_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: 0
right_lge: $null_lge
null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example5_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: ""
right_eq: $null_eq
null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example5_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: ""
right_noteq: $null_noteq
null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example5_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: ""
right_eq2: $null_eq2
null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example5_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: ""
right_noteq2: $null_noteq2
null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example5_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: ""
right_gt: $null_gt
null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example5_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: ""
right_gte: $null_gte
null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example5_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: ""
right_lg: $null_lg
null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example5_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: ""
right_lge: $null_lge
null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example51_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: 1
right_eq: 3
// Result: false
example51_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: 1
right_noteq: 3
// Result: true
example51_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: 1
right_eq2: 3
// Result: false
example51_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: 1
right_noteq2: 3
// Result: true
example51_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: 1
right_gt: 3
// Result: false
example51_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: 1
right_gte: 3
// Result: false
example51_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: 1
right_lg: 3
// Result: true
example51_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: 1
right_lge: 3
// Result: true
Two identical strings similarly.
example2_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: 0
right_eq: 0
// Result: true
example2_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: 0
right_noteq: 0
// Result: false
example2_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: 0
right_eq2: 0
// Result: true
example2_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: 0
right_noteq2: 0
// Result: false
example2_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: 0
right_gt: 0
// Result: false
example2_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: 0
right_gte: 0
// Result: true
example2_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: 0
right_lg: 0
// Result: false
example2_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: 0
right_lge: 0
// Result: true
example3_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: 0
right_eq: "0"
// Result: true
example3_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: 0
right_noteq: "0"
// Result: false
example3_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: 0
right_eq2: "0"
// Result: true
example3_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: 0
right_noteq2: "0"
// Result: false
example3_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: 0
right_gt: "0"
// Result: false
example3_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: 0
right_gte: "0"
// Result: true
example3_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: 0
right_lg: "0"
// Result: false
example3_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: 0
right_lge: "0"
// Result: true
example7_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: "0"
right_eq: 121212
// Result: false
example7_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: "0"
right_noteq: 121212
// Result: true
example7_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: "0"
right_eq2: 121212
// Result: false
example7_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: "0"
right_noteq2: 121212
// Result: true
example7_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: "0"
right_gt: 121212
// Result: false
example7_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: "0"
right_gte: 121212
// Result: false
example7_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: "0"
right_lg: 121212
// Result: true
example7_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: "0"
right_lge: 121212
// Result: true
example52_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: "100"
right_eq: "3.8"
// Result: false
example52_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: "100"
right_noteq: "3.8"
// Result: true
example52_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: "100"
right_eq2: "3.8"
// Result: false
example52_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: "100"
right_noteq2: "3.8"
// Result: true
example52_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: "100"
right_gt: "3.8"
// Result: true
example52_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: "100"
right_gte: "3.8"
// Result: true
example52_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: "100"
right_lg: "3.8"
// Result: false
example52_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: "100"
right_lge: "3.8"
// Result: false
Comparison with a number is similar.
example53_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: "100f"
right_eq: "3.8"
// Result: false
example53_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: "100f"
right_noteq: "3.8"
// Result: true
example53_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: "100f"
right_eq2: "3.8"
// Result: false
example53_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: "100f"
right_noteq2: "3.8"
// Result: true
example53_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: "100f"
right_gt: "3.8"
// Result: false
example53_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: "100f"
right_gte: "3.8"
// Result: false
example53_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: "100f"
right_lg: "3.8"
// Result: true
example53_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: "100f"
right_lge: "3.8"
// Result: true
example17_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: true
right_eq: true
// Result: true
example17_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: true
right_noteq: true
// Result: false
example17_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: true
right_eq2: true
// Result: true
example17_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: true
right_noteq2: true
// Result: false
example17_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: true
right_gt: true
// Result: false
example17_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: true
right_gte: true
// Result: true
example17_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: true
right_lg: true
// Result: false
example17_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: true
right_lge: true
// Result: true
example18_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: true
right_eq: "true"
// Result: true
example18_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: true
right_noteq: "true"
// Result: false
example18_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: true
right_eq2: "true"
// Result: true
example18_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: true
right_noteq2: "true"
// Result: false
example18_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: true
right_gt: "true"
// Result: false
example18_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: true
right_gte: "true"
// Result: true
example18_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: true
right_lg: "true"
// Result: false
example18_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: true
right_lge: "true"
// Result: true
, comparison with the string 0 is similar!
example19_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: true
right_eq: "1"
// Result: false
example19_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: true
right_noteq: "1"
// Result: true
example19_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: true
right_eq2: "1"
// Result: false
example19_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: true
right_noteq2: "1"
// Result: true
example19_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: true
right_gt: "1"
// Result: true
example19_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: true
right_gte: "1"
// Result: true
example19_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: true
right_lg: "1"
// Result: false
example19_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: true
right_lge: "1"
// Result: false
example50_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: $#lc
right_eq: $#lc
// Result: true
example50_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: $#lc
right_noteq: $#lc
// Result: false
example50_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: $#lc
right_eq2: $#lc
// Result: true
example50_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: $#lc
right_noteq2: $#lc
// Result: false
example50_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: $#lc
right_gt: $#lc
// Result: —
example50_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: $#lc
right_gte: $#lc
// Result: —
example50_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: $#lc
right_lg: $#lc
// Result: —
example50_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: $#lc
right_lge: $#lc
// Result: —
example42_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: $#lc
right_eq: ""
// Result: true
example42_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: $#lc
right_noteq: ""
// Result: false
example42_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: $#lc
right_eq2: ""
// Result: false
example42_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: $#lc
right_noteq2: ""
// Result: true
example42_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: $#lc
right_gt: ""
// Result: —
example42_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: $#lc
right_gte: ""
// Result: —
example42_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: $#lc
right_lg: ""
// Result: —
example42_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: $#lc
right_lge: ""
// Result: —
example61_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: $null_eq
null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example61_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: $null_noteq
null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example61_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: $null_eq2
null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example61_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: $null_noteq2
null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example61_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: $null_gt
null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example61_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: $null_gte
null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example61_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: $null_lg
null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example61_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listcreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: $null_lge
null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example16_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: $null_eq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: $null_eq
null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example16_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: $null; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: $null_noteq_0
null_noteq_0: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example16_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: $null; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: $null_noteq_1
null_noteq_1: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example16_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: $null_noteq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: $null_noteq_2
null_noteq_2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example16_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: $null_gt; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: $null_gt
null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example16_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: $null_gte; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: $null_gte
null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example16_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: $null_lg; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: $null_lg
null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example16_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: $null_lge; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: $null_lge
null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example39_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: $null_eq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: 0
null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example39_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: $null_noteq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: 0
null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example39_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: $null_eq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: 0
null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example39_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: $null_noteq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: 0
null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example39_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: $null_gt; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: 0
null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example39_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: $null_gte; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: 0
null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example39_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: $null_lg; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: 0
null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example39_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: $null_lge; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: 0
null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example10_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: ""
// Result: false
example10_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: ""
// Result: true
example10_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: ""
// Result: false
example10_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: ""
// Result: true
example10_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: ""
// Result: —
example10_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: ""
// Result: —
example10_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: ""
// Result: —
example10_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: ""
// Result: —
example40_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: $null_eq
null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example40_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: $null_noteq
null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example40_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: $null_eq2
null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example40_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: $null_noteq2
null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example40_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: $null_gt
null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example40_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: $null_gte
null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example40_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: $null_lg
null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example40_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: $null_lge
null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example26_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
right_eq: ""
// Result: false
example26_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
right_noteq: ""
// Result: true
example26_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
right_eq2: ""
// Result: false
example26_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
right_noteq2: ""
// Result: true
example26_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
right_gt: ""
// Result: —
example26_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
right_gte: ""
// Result: —
example26_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
right_lg: ""
// Result: —
example26_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: false; item: true; item: true; item: true)
right_lge: ""
// Result: —
example41_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: $null_eq
null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example41_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: $null_noteq
null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example41_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: $null_eq2
null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example41_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: $null_noteq2
null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example41_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: $null_gt
null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example41_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: $null_gte
null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example41_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: $null_lg
null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example41_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: $null_lge
null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example38_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: 0
// Result: false
example38_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: 0
// Result: true
example38_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: 0
// Result: false
example38_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: 0
// Result: true
example_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: 0
// Result: —
example38_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: 0
// Result: —
example38_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: 0
// Result: —
example38_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: false; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: 0
// Result: —
example28_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
// Result: true
example28_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
// Result: false
example28_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
// Result: true
example28_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
// Result: false
example28_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
// Result: —
example28_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
// Result: —
example28_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
// Result: —
example28_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
// Result: —
example43_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
// Result: true
example43_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
// Result: false
example43_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
// Result: false
example43_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
// Result: true
example43_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
// Result: —
example43_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
// Result: —
example43_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
// Result: —
example43_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: listCreate(item: 1; item: 2; item: 0; item: 3)
// Result: —
example15_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: "0"
// Result: true
example15_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: "0"
// Result: false
example15_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: "0"
// Result: false
example15_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: "0"
// Result: true
example15_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: "0"
// Result: —
example15_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: "0"
// Result: —
example15_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: "0"
// Result: —
example15_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: "0"
// Result: —
example12_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: listCreate(item: 1)
// Result: true
example12_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: listCreate(item: 1)
// Result: false
example12_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: listCreate(item: 1)
// Result: false
example12_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: listCreate(item: 1)
// Result: true
example12_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: listCreate(item: 1)
// Result: —
example12_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: listCreate(item: 1)
// Result: —
example12_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: listCreate(item: 1)
// Result: —
example12_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: listCreate(item: 1)
// Result: —
example22_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
right_eq: true
// Result: true
example22_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
right_noteq: true
// Result: false
example22_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
right_eq2: true
// Result: false
example22_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
right_noteq2: true
// Result: true
example22_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
right_gt: true
// Result: —
example22_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
right_gte: true
// Result: —
example22_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
right_lg: true
// Result: —
example22_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: false; item: false; item: true; item: true)
right_lge: true
// Result: —
example47_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: listCreate(item: $null_eq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example47_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: listCreate(item: $null_noteq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example47_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: listCreate(item: $null_eq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example47_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: listCreate(item: $null_noteq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example47_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: listCreate(item: $null_gt; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example47_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: listCreate(item: $null_gte; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example47_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: listCreate(item: $null_lg; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example47_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: 0; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: listCreate(item: $null_lge; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example48_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq: listCreate(item: $null_eq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example48_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq: listCreate(item: $null_noteq; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example48_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_eq2: listCreate(item: $null_eq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example48_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_noteq2: listCreate(item: $null_noteq2; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example48_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gt: listCreate(item: $null_gt; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example48_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_gte: listCreate(item: $null_gte; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example48_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lg: listCreate(item: $null_lg; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example48_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: listCreate(item: ""; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
right_lge: listCreate(item: $null_lge; item: 1; item: 2; item: 3)
null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example54_eq: if(condition: $left_eq = $right_eq; then: true; else: false)
left_eq: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_eq)
right_eq: $#lc
null_eq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example54_noteq: if(condition: $left_noteq != $right_noteq; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_noteq)
right_noteq: $#lc
null_noteq: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example54_eq2: if(condition: $left_eq2 == $right_eq2; then: true; else: false)
left_eq2: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_eq2)
right_eq2: $#lc
null_eq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: false
example54_noteq2: if(condition: $left_noteq2 !== $right_noteq2; then: true; else: false)
left_noteq2: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_noteq2)
right_noteq2: $#lc
null_noteq2: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: true
example54_gt: if(condition: $left_gt > $right_gt; then: true; else: false)
left_gt: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_gt)
right_gt: $#lc
null_gt: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example54_gte: if(condition: $left_gte >= $right_gte; then: true; else: false)
left_gte: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_gte)
right_gte: $#lc
null_gte: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example54_lg: if(condition: $left_lg < $right_lg; then: true; else: false)
left_lg: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $null_lg)
right_lg: $#lc
null_lg: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —
example54_lge: if(condition: $left_lge <= $right_lge; then: true; else: false)
left_lge: rowCreate(field: "tiraj" = 2; field: "mat" = $nul_lge)
right_lge: $#lc
null_lge: if(condition: true = false; then: "")
// Result: —