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  • Quick start
  • Install MIT
  • Install PRO
  • Updating
  • Optimization
  • Update v4-v6
  • Backups
  • Console utility bin/totum
  • Basics for users
  • Interface and Layout
  • Tables and their parameters
  • Prefilter
  • General
  • Prefilter Tasks
  • Fields and their parameters
  • Syntax
  • Code, actions, formatting
  • Relational relationships
  • Calculation order and calculation units
  • Auto-complete calculations and timing
  • Duplicate rows and cycles
  • Comparisons
  • Functions
  • Debugging
  • Print and CSV
  • API
  • Roles and users
  • Notifications
  • Scheduled Actions
  • System tables
  • Trees
  • Anonymous tables
  • External Forms
  • Exporting and importing tables
  • [PRO] MeiliSearch
  • [PRO] Databases
  • [PRO] Custom CSS
  • [PRO] Custom docs
  • [PRO] File versions
  • [PRO] List-unsubscribe
  • [PRO] Dynamic fields
  • [PRO] Only Office
  • [PRO] Auth Tokens
  • [PRO] 2FA
  • [PRO] Superlang
  • [PRO] Daemons
  • [PRO] Profiler
  • Connecting functions
  • [SRV] Installation and Connection
  • [SRV] Export, PDF, Upload, and Preview
  • [SRV] XLSX/DOCX Generators
  • Prefilter


    Prefilter is a special part of the table that performs several functions simultaneously. Additionally, it exists individually in each browser tab where the table is open. Different users and different tabs of the same user can have different data entered in the prefilter at the same time.

    The prefilter is calculated at the moment the table is opened. Changes made to the prefilter fields are not applied immediately but upon pressing the GO button. Until GO is pressed, changes are not applied, and the prefilter is highlighted in yellow.


    Prefilter field values are transmitted in the address bar in encrypted form.

    Since browsers have a limit on the maximum length of headers, it is not recommended to pass large data arrays (e.g., lists of hundreds of values) in prefilters.

    A prefilter field can be linked to a field in the row part of the table, in which case the prefilter will perform row filtering functions on the server.

    For proper operation, use field types in the prefilter that are similar to the type of the linked field.

    It is possible to use selects with manually entered bases to set filtering conditions.

    Additionally, you can use interval settings for the prefilter field. This requires two prefilter fields linked to one row part field with the interval parameter. Comparison in the interval prefilter is done according to the field type with the condition >= and <=.

    It is possible to use a select as an interval prefilter with numerical or alphabetical bases.

    Additionally, selects have additional display settings for all values (filtering is off) or none (mandatory input of a value in the prefilter to display the row part). Special values are used for this:

    • *ALL* — display all values.

    • *NONE* — display no values.

    The All and None field parameters must be enabled.

    Prefilter Tasks

    A prefilter field can be available or unavailable for editing for a role. It can also be visible or hidden for a role. Depending on this combination, various prefilter functions will be performed:

    • Filtering rows displayed in the browser.

    • Restricting access to edit rows.

    • Using as a temporary variable for the row part.

    • Auto-filling prefilter values into linked fields in the addition row.

    The relationship between parameters and the task performed in the form of a table:

    Show in web/api Link Visible to role Editable by role Filter Access Variable Auto-fill
    Disabled Does not filter Does not restrict Returns null No
    Enabled Not linked Any Any Does not filter Does not restrict Returns value No
    Enabled Linked Any Unavailable Filters Restricts Returns value Works
    Enabled Linked Any Available Filters Does not restrict Returns value Works
    • Filter — depends on enablement and linking.

    • Access — depends on enablement, linking, and editing.

    • Variable — depends on enablement.

    • Auto-fill — depends on enablement and linking.

    In the API, prefilters are externally available for modification only in the export section and work for Filtering.

    When modified and deleted in the API, a prefilter available and unavailable for modification returns its value to the Variable.

    When modified and deleted in the API, a prefilter unavailable for modification works for Access.

    Auto-fill does not work in the API (as it only works in the addition row).

    When executing action codes, prefilter values are taken only when accessing the table from which the action is launched! In other cases, null is returned.

    Access check to rows by Prefilters for the Creator role is DISABLED!