Installation is performed on a clean Ubuntu 24.04. This should be a separate server from the Totum installation!
Server requirements depend on the load, but we recommend at least 2C 2Gb.
sudo curl -O && sudo bash
Server configuration is done via ansible, so if there are errors during installation (e.g., lack of network between the server and repositories), you can rerun the installation script, and you will be prompted to continue the installation.
Totum can work with services both via SSL and without — by IP. If Services are installed by IP (without a domain), you need to disable certificate verification from Totum.
nano /home/totum/totum-mit/Conf.php
Add the line after protected $execSSHOn
protected $checkSSLservices = false;
You can first install without a domain and then switch to installation with a domain. To do this, address the domain to the server's IP, check for ping, and rerun the installer from the folder it was originally run from, you will be prompted to enter the domain and obtain a certificate.
To add a server to the available servers on the Services server, you need to fill in services_list
nano /home/totum/totum-services/services_list
number — arbitrary number. Each connected host must have its unique number! Access logs are recorded using this number. It must be added to the Totum schema in the ttm__services
table, in the h_services_number
key — access key. Generate a random set of numbers and letters and add it to the Totum schema in the ttm__services
table, in the h_services_key
back_url — HOST of your Totum server with the protocol http://
or https://
check_back_url_certificate — true | false
. If false
, SSL certificate validity check for your Totum will be disabled. This is necessary in cases where Totum is installed without a certificate.
You can add several Totum server settings to one Services server. To do this, add a server configuration line in a similar format on a new line.
If you want to disable a server, comment out the line.
Be sure to SAVE the file before proceeding to settings in Totum!
Settings in Totum:
In Totum, fields are filled in the ttm__services
h_services_url — https://SERVICES_HOST
or http://SERVICES_IP
(available only in V5)
h_services_number — the service number you specified in services_list
h_services_key — the service key you specified in services_list
h_check_service_server — connection check. the response should be number: OK
The services log is recorded in services_log and is cleared once a day (the last 1000 lines are kept).
To view:
tail -f /home/totum/totum-services/services_log