Authorization links allow for one-time or multiple authorizations of a user in the system. The link is encrypted symmetrically using the key in Krypto.key
at the root of the installation.
The link is generated by the function proGetAuthorizationLink.
The function creates an entry in the table System Tables
—> PRO
—> Auth tokens
—> Auth tokens
And returns the formed URL for transition!
Navigating to a url
of the form HOST/Auth/Token/TOKEN
will lead to the authorization of the user linked to the token.
The use of the token is noted in the last_used_at
If the token is one-time, it will be marked as disabled
at the moment of authorization, and further use will be impossible.
If you delete the token and the table ttm__auth_tokens
— authorization with it will be impossible.
If you need to link two applications and ensure a seamless transition from one to the other, you can create remotes, which will return a token for the required user.