⟵ hearthere ⟶
  • Quick start
  • Install MIT
  • Install PRO
  • Installing V6 PRO
  • Switching from Totum MIT V5/6
  • Totum PRO Licenses
  • Test License
  • Concurrent Connections
  • User Management from the Console
  • Updating
  • Optimization
  • Update v4-v6
  • Backups
  • Console utility bin/totum
  • Basics for users
  • Interface and Layout
  • Tables and their parameters
  • Prefilter
  • Fields and their parameters
  • Syntax
  • Code, actions, formatting
  • Relational relationships
  • Calculation order and calculation units
  • Auto-complete calculations and timing
  • Duplicate rows and cycles
  • Comparisons
  • Functions
  • Debugging
  • Print and CSV
  • API
  • Roles and users
  • Notifications
  • Scheduled Actions
  • System tables
  • Trees
  • Anonymous tables
  • External Forms
  • Exporting and importing tables
  • [PRO] MeiliSearch
  • [PRO] Databases
  • [PRO] Custom CSS
  • [PRO] Custom docs
  • [PRO] File versions
  • [PRO] List-unsubscribe
  • [PRO] Dynamic fields
  • [PRO] Only Office
  • [PRO] Auth Tokens
  • [PRO] 2FA
  • [PRO] Superlang
  • [PRO] Daemons
  • [PRO] Profiler
  • Connecting functions
  • [SRV] Installation and Connection
  • [SRV] Export, PDF, Upload, and Preview
  • [SRV] XLSX/DOCX Generators
  • PRO

    Installing V6 PRO

    Initial installation system: Ubuntu 24.04

    Minimum recommended server configuration for PRO version 4C 4G

    Run the standard Totum installer (by default it is assumed to be /root) and select the PRO installation option:

    sudo curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/totumonline/totum-mit/master/totum/moduls/install/totum_autoinstall.sh && sudo bash totum_autoinstall.sh

    If you need to install on a version of Ubuntu different from 24.04 (for example, if you or your hoster do not have the required image), you can disable version checking by passing the parameter --without-check

    You can also install PRO without using a domain and SSL (by IP). Run the installer and leave the domain field empty when prompted. You can later connect a domain and change the installation. To do this, rerun the installation script from the same folder from which it was run the first time!

    Switching from Totum MIT V5/6

    This instruction assumes that TOTUM MIT V5/V6 was installed using the installation script.

    Solutions developed in MIT are compatible with PRO.

    Run the standard Totum installer from the same folder from which it was run on the server during the first system installation:

    sudo curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/totumonline/totum-mit/master/totum/moduls/install/totum_autoinstall.sh && sudo bash totum_autoinstall.sh

    The installer will offer you to change the installation option to PRO.

    If you forgot the folder from which the installer was run, search for totum_install_vars (this file is created during installation):

    sudo find / -name "totum_install_vars"

    Totum PRO Licenses

    Users (admin 1 pc, cron and service are technical users and are not counted in the license limit) — you can install PRO for development without a license file.

    To add users — you need to purchase a license and write it to a file:

    nano /home/totum/totum-mit/PRO.license

    Write the file from the console, third-party software from the hoster or virtual machine (such as GUI file managers) may corrupt the file!

    For registration, see the PRO version page.

    Example of a PRO.license file:


    After writing the license file, you need to restart totum-gom:

    sudo service totum-gom restart

    Totum processes two types of users, determined by the number of tables accessible: standard user and limited.

    • "users":40 — number of standard users.

    • "l":250 — number of limited users with access to less than 8 tables (each user has 3 technical tables, which can be fully or partially disabled if necessary).

    If the license does not contain information about the number of limited users — they will be counted as standard.

    Limited users are cheaper and are needed, for example, to organize personal accounts for contractors/customers, etc.

    The cost of one license includes 2 hosts (main and test). Both are fully functional — there are no restrictions on the test host. You can also issue a license without a second host and add it later to the existing license.

    The license is valid until the date specified in to inclusive.

    If one of the hosts in the license fails the check — it does not affect other hosts in this license, but we recommend issuing two separate license files if the hosts are on different servers.

    To pass the check, the host must be accessible from the network where the server is installed.

    If there are network problems, the license check is automatically restarted at 30-second intervals.

    You can restart manually by restarting the totum-gom service:

    sudo service totum-gom restart

    Test License

    We cannot revoke issued license files, so we cannot correct errors made by you when entering the host and schema when issuing the license.

    For version V6, there is an opportunity to check the entered data before paying for the license.

    1. Issue a license on license.totum.online Register a new account here

    2. Add the License

    3. Download the test license

    4. Create a test license file on your server and write the test license to it

      su totum
      cd /home/totum/totum-mit
      nano PRO.license-test
    5. Perform the license check

    6. A positive result looks like this

      2024-09-17 19:31:54
      Opening Conf by pathConf.php: OK
      Connecting db totum: OK
      Checking License file:
      [Read License file PRO.license-test]
      [select id, name->>'v' as name from "totum".tables where name->>'v' in ('tables', 'users', 'tables_fields', 'notifications', 'roles')]
      [License loaded successfully]
      Checking Licenses hosts:
      [Part  license.totum.online & totum passed successfully]

    Concurrent Connections

    1 user license slot provides one simultaneously connected browser. If exceeded, the connection with the earliest last activity date will be disconnected.

    If you need one user to connect simultaneously from multiple browsers, you need to set the number of connections available to them in the ttm__concurrent_connections field of the users table.

    Each additional slot for simultaneous connection consumes 1 license slot.

    User Management from the Console

    This part is especially necessary if you have exceeded the number of users and the system is locked.

    Disabling users is possible through the server console.

    It is executed by the console utility bin/totum. All commands must be executed from the installation folder:

    cd /home/totum/totum-mit

    List all users (replace totum if the command is executed for another schema):

    bin/totum schema-users --schema=totum --list=all

    List only active users (replace totum if the command is executed for another schema):

    bin/totum schema-users --schema=totum --list=on

    Command execution result:

    | Login            | FIO              | Email | Status | Licenses | Tables  | Limit User |
    | admin            | Administrator    |       | ON     |          | 49      |            |
    | anonym           | anonym           |       | OFF    |          | 0       | +          |
    | api-remotes-user | api-remotes-user |       | ON     |          | 11      |            |
    | cron             | Cron             |       | ON     |          | 0       |            |
    | limit-user       | limit-user       |       | ON     |          | 11      |            |
    | one-more-user    | one-more-user    |       | ON     |          | 0       | +          |
    | other-user       | other-user       |       | ON     |          | 11      |            |
    | service          | service          |       | ON     |          | 49      |            |
    | some-user        | some-user        |       | ON     | 10       | 11      |            |
    |                  |                  |       | ALL:9  | FULL:13  | LIMIT:2 | TOTAL:15   |
    • ALL — all users in the list.

    • FULL — the number of unlimited license slots used in the schema (in this example, some-user uses 10 instead of 1 because they are set to allow 10 simultaneous connections from different browsers through the ttm__concurrent_connections field in the users table).

    • LIMIT — the number of limited license slots used in the schema. If the license does not contain a limit for restricted users, they are counted as unlimited.

    • TOTAL — the total number of license slots used. In this example, TOTAL:15 with 10 available without a license file — the schema is locked.

    To disable a user from the console:

    Replace USER_LOGIN_OR_EMAIL with the login or email (if available) of the user you want to disable (replace totum if the command is executed for another schema):

    bin/totum schema-users --schema=totum --off=USER_LOGIN_OR_EMAIL

    To enable a user from the console:

    Replace USER_LOGIN_OR_EMAIL with the login or email (if available) of the user you want to enable (replace totum if the command is executed for another schema):

    bin/totum schema-users --schema=totum --on=USER_LOGIN_OR_EMAIL